No Longer Accepting Donations

Inspiration for Life is no longer accepting donations. If you would like to donate funds to another organisation that fits closely with our work, please look at the list of our partner charities below. Many thanks for all your support over the years.

Partner charities:

Rotherham Hospice, which provides end of life care for patients and their families. Inspiration for Life supports their Hospice Community team, which can deliver hospice care in the patient’s own home – this enabled Tim Richardson to spend his last few weeks at home, with his family around him, as he had wished.

Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity supports Weston Park Hospital, one of only four dedicated cancer hospitals in England, by funding pioneering cancer research and helping to improve cancer treatments and care for patients. Inspiration for Life supports the work of the Clinical Trials Centre, where researchers work to develop targeted treatments, and improve diagnosis and quality of life for cancer patients.

Impact Living provides accommodation, support and advice to vulnerable young people. Inspiration for Life supports their work in providing relief, support and assistance to young people with cancer and their families, in particular the provision of respite care for patients and families.

Teenage Cancer Trust  create world-class cancer services for young people in the UK, providing life-changing care and support so young people don’t have to face cancer alone.  Inspiration for Life supports their work in the Yorkshire and Humberside region.

The Snowdon Trust assists physically and sensory disabled people to access vocational and academic courses in the UK by awarding grants. Inspiration for Life has supported one such student in 2014 and aims to contribute to further grants in future.